To the P255Q Community January 17, 2025
I am writing to you today to inform you that at 31 years as a DOE employee and 27 years as a P255Q community member I will be retiring. My last day here at 255Q will be February 14th. Coming to Queens each day, meeting, engaging and collaborating with all of you has been a highlight of my life. It was exciting, fun and of course at times unpredictable. As I reflect, I am so proud of the work and what we have collectively accomplished. I feel good, and I feel even better when I visit your site to see the amazing talented people here. The future is bright!
I have seen our school grow, change, and evolve since 1998, but one unique aspect has been the genuinely nice people that I have had the pleasure of sharing life experiences with. We have had many great events, big and small, and I will remember them all! Our students have the best staff in NYC that are dedicated to their growth and development. Progress can be measured in many ways. It could be a child uttering their first word, learning to count, read or travel independently. These are the things that our parents share when I speak to them. Little things are big things that are so important and add up to positively impact the quality of a child’s life. I will always appreciate the spirit of our school. Generous, committed, mindful and creative are only a few words that come to mind of the many characteristics to sum up that last 27 years.
I found Queens or Queens found me. I am not native to the borough but meeting all my friends from years past as well as all of you now has so positively impacted me. I love Queens! Your faces, your names, and our collectively shared experiences will be part of my story for the rest of my life.
I appreciate all of you and your dedication to your students, their families and the entire P255Q school community!
With much respect and appreciation.
Gregg Lopez