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স্কুলে ব্যবহৃত সময়সূচী এবং অন্যান্য ভিজ্যুয়াল সহায়তা ডাউনলোড করতে আপনার সন্তানের ছাত্র অ্যাকাউন্ট দিয়ে লগ ইন করুন।

Dear P255Q Families,

Welcome to the new school year! If this is your first year at P255Q, we would like to extend a warm welcome to each of you! As we embark on our fifth term as your PTA Executive Board, we look forward to working with our amazing teachers and our invaluable staff to provide an excellent learning experience for our children. As a part of the PTA Executive Board this year, we have: Elizabeth Durand, President; Jonathan Durand, Co-President, Janet Herrera, Treasurer, and Tonya Chisholm, Secretary.


Our PTA team has been busy over the summer, planning for this school year and searching for ways to support our staff, students, and the P255Q community. We have prepared some fundraisers, virtual online workshops, and our much-missed PTA events, such as the Winter Wonderland Dance party, Parent Paint Day, and more! We know that the last couple of years have been challenging for many of our families, and your PTA board wants to work EXTRA hard to give all our children as much support, enrichment, and extracurricular activities as possible. We are grateful for parent support and donations, which help make this possible. We rely on your generosity to keep these events going. The PTA would appreciate it if each family made the suggested yearly $10 contribution to the PTA. You may send in cash or a check payable to P255Q PTA for this amount in your child’s backpack in an envelope labeled “PTA.” Thank you in advance for your support and helping us continue our success.


You are all essential members of the P255Q Community. In addition to attending meetings and events when you can, please consider joining the PTA! We promise that the time you give our PTA Board, and the school will be worth your while—-and fun. We have positions and tasks to fit all schedules and interests. We don’t expect a huge time commitment from volunteers – even an hour can significantly help the PTA Board and the school. If you want to join us, please email the PTA at: or send a note in your child’s school bag addressed to the PTA. You can also follow us on social media through Instagram @ P255PTA to keep up to date with meeting dates and events. We look forward to partnering with you this year to continue to help make P255Q the wonderful community it is.


Thank you, and we hope you have a great school year!



Elizabeth Durand

P255Q PTA President

Boy on iPad

ডিজিটাল সম্পদ

তুমি কি জানতে? D75 এবং P255Q অনেকগুলি ডিজিটাল সংস্থান সরবরাহ করে যা বাড়িতে অ্যাক্সেস করা যেতে পারে।  


হোম অ্যাকাউন্ট সেট আপ করতে আপনার সন্তানের শিক্ষকের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন:

  • এবিসি মাউস

  • স্টারফল

  • ব্রেনপপ এবং ব্রেনপপ জুনিয়র

  • AZ পড়া

  • আবিষ্কার শিক্ষা 

  • এসটি গণিত

  • Minecraft শিক্ষা সংস্করণ।

পারিবারিক সম্পদ

আমাদের P255Q পরিবারগুলিকে তাদের স্কুলে সারা বছর ধরে সহায়তা করার জন্য অনেক সংস্থান উপলব্ধ রয়েছে। আপনি তাদের সম্পর্কে আরও জানতে পারেন এবং কীভাবে সেগুলি অ্যাক্সেস করবেন এখানে।


Principal: Gregg Lopez


Assistant Principals:

  • Michael DiAngelo

  • Erica Hanson

  • Diana Carlstedt

  • Meghan Kozak

  • Vanessa Graham 

Main Site:  (718) 380-1247

Email: GLopez2@Schools.NYC.Gov

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