학부모 코디네이터 페이지

방과후 프로그램
재택 연설 및 OT 서비스.
주말 레크리에이션 프로그램
전환 서비스
21세에 성인 서비스 이용
OPWDD를 통해 자격 신청을 고려하십시오. 시간이 걸리므로 시작하겠습니다. 자세한 정보는 https://opwdd.ny.gov 를 방문하십시오.
As Parent Coordinator, my primary goal is facilitating communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, and administrators. I am here to support you in any way I can, whether answering questions, providing resources, or helping to resolve concerns or issues.
My main priority is ensuring that all families feel welcome and included in our school community. I understand that navigating the school system can be challenging, especially for families new to the educational system. Please know that I am here to listen and help you connect with the resources and support you need.
Warm Regards,
Elizabeth Durand
P255Q Parent Coordinator
255 Calendar of Upcoming Events
January 2025
1/9 - Virtual Parent Connections Meeting at 5:30 pm
1/13 - Virtual PTA Meeting with Workshop presented by Bright Futures NY on “Identifying Signs of Emotional Distress in Our Children”
1/14 -Virtual Sibling Connections Meeting at 5:30 pm
1/16 - Speech Workshop at P7 at 10 am
Gym Night at P7 at 5:30 pm
1/17 - Virtual Parent Training Workshop Series at 10 am
1/20 - Schools Closed- Martin Luther King Day
1/29 - Schools Closed- Lunar New Year
February 2025
2/13 - Parent/Sibling Connections Meeting at P397 at 5:30 pm
2/14 - PTA Parent Paint Day at P397 at 10 am
2/17-2/21 - Schools Closed- Mid-Winter Recess
2/28 - Virtual Parent Training Workshop Series at 10 am
March 2025
3/6 - Parent/Sibling Connections Meeting at P397 at 5:30 pm
3/12 - Virtual PTA Meeting with Workshop presented by Parent to Parent on “Preventing Parent Burnout”
3/13 - Parent Teacher Conferences- ½ day for students
3/20 - Spring Movie Night at P7 at 5:30 pm
3/21 - Virtual Parent Training Workshop Series at 10 am
3/31 - Schools Closed- EID AL-FITR